Step 8 - Porto Settings and Theme Configurations
Basic Configuration - Porto Design Panel Section
Configuring the Porto - Design Panel Section You can configure the initial settings (structure and features) by going to Stores > Settings > Configuration > Porto 3.2.4 > Porto - Design Panel You can see the full list of the Porto settings here - ...
Basic Configuration - Porto Settings Panel Section
Configuring the Porto - Settings Panel Section You can configure the initial settings (structure and features) by going to Stores > Settings > Configuration > Porto 3.2.4 > Porto - Settings Panel Please note that after you have imported a demo, some ...
Basic Configuration - Theme Configuration
Configuring the theme Ensure that you have already configured to use Smartwave Porto (or whichever you are using under the Content > Design > Configuration). You can revisit this from Step 3 - Basic Configuration - Setting the Theme. In our example, ...
Basic Configuration - Porto Configuration Introduction
There are a couple of sections in the platform that you can go to access design configurations to make your marketplace tailored to your designs. Please note that this will primarily apply to out of the box Porto themes, however you can use these as ...