Step 2 - Catalog Tab
Basic Configuration - Other Catalog Sections
There are several other sections such as the ones below, which you do not need to make any changes on. Please leave all configurations as is. XML Sitemap RSS Feeds Email to a Friend
Basic Configuration - Inventory Section
Inventory Section (for V4) This controls the inventory section of your site. Generally, a lot of the settings can remain as default. The only configuration you may need is if you wish to Display Out of Stock Products on the front end. By default, ...
Basic Configuration - Catalog Section
Catalog Section This section controls the product configurations, default fallback options and display for the marketplace. 1. Storefront Products per Page on Grid Allowed Values Depending on the design that you select for your marketplace you can ...
Catalog Tab Introduction
The Catalog Section is a default Magento Configuration and covers a large number of settings. The following configurations are located under Stores > Settings > Configuration > Catalog The following configurations are important and should be ...