Approvals Workflow Management
Approvals Workflow Management - Creating and managing user levels (including highest level)
Adding a highest level After creating the workflow, the next step is create the highest level. As mentioned in the overview, the highest level is the first level created in a workflow. The highest user level: is mandatory cannot be deleted requires ...
Approvals Workflow Management - Creating and managing workflows
Creating a new workflow When the Order Approval module is installed, the Approvals Workflow Management will be available for organisation admins on customer account menu. To create a new workflow, click on "Approvals Workflow Management" and then "+ ...
Approvals Workflow Management - Overview
Module Overview The Approvals Workflow Management is part of the B2B Suite. It allows Organisation admins to create multi-step pre-order approval workflows that are customisable based on order total thresholds. The Order Approval Module will enable ...