The main configuration/feature of the rewards points module is to allow customers to earn and spend any points they obtain - however there are additional tabs in which you can access a few additional options or reports. You can access these from the Marketing > Promotions > Rewards Points page while signed in as an administrator, and from the top dropdown.
Notification Rules
Notification Rule allows you to set up different messages to your customers, notifying them about their current earning/spending points.
To create a new Notification Rule, go to Marketing > Promotions > Reward Points > Notification Rules and press the button Add New.
The fields will be very similar to Earning Rules , with the change being Actions, to allow you to select where to show the notification message/s and what the message contains.
Allows you to set different tiers which can then be selected during the Earning and Spending Rules to provide different styles. To add a new tier, simply choose Add New while on the Tiers page.
Here you will be able to set the name of the tier, if it's enabled, the marketplace it is used on and minimum points required to reach the tier. You can also change the e-mail for when the customer reaches this tier if required (though generally these are disabled).
Transactions allow you to see a log of the different balance changes of rewards points per customer/transaction. You can also export this table using the Export option at the top right.
You can also choose to use this page as a way to provide a bulk transaction change using the "Add New" button at the top. You can then set your Points Balance Change and the message in the Rewards History, along with the customer notification email. Then select the customers you would like to update.
Choose Save to make the change.
Customer Referrals
Here you will be able to see a table of different referrals sent out to customers, from existing customers.
This will allow you to see reports for reward points earned.
Refresh Statistics
This will just refresh any reports/data in the back end.
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