Project Bidding allows registered customers to create a project, with trackable payment milestones across multiple vendors in one place. Projects can be created by customers, and they can invite multiple vendors on the marketplace.
Project Bidding - The feature to allow registered customers to create a project for vendors to submit proposals too
Project - Created by the customer to allow vendors to submit their proposals
Proposal - An estimate for the project provided by the vendor. It's based on these proposals that you can pay milestones towards and also communicate directly with vendor/customer. Each vendor can submit one proposal, and the customer can choose to accept one or multiple - depending on the scopes of work.
Bid/Bidding - The act of submitting a proposal. If the notify bidding feature is enabled, vendors will be notified whenever another vendor submits a proposal (and what the lowest bid currently is). This is based on the configuration and the Marketplace can use bidding as a way to make the pricing competitive between the vendors.
Payment Milestones - This is a payment breakdown of the total proposal value. A proposal can have one or multiple payment milestones for the project. The vendor would choose when each milestone (except the first) is ready to be paid. These milestones will come through the system as a normal order, and can be paid out along with the other product orders.
Invitation and Proposal Approval Flow
Initiation of a project starts with a registered customer.
Proposal Workflow Process
Once the Proposal has been accepted by the customer, the work can begin and the vendor will follow the workflow below.
Once the customer closes the project, there is nothing further to be done by the vendor or customer.