Column Name | Required? | Description | |
product_type | Required | Select the type of product that you are creating. In most cases you will input Simple . Only input Configurable when creating a product that requires children selections (eg a shirt with multiple colours and sizes), or Virtual if the product has no weight. Below are the options available.
![]() One important thing to remember to verify on the "IMPORT SHEET" is when creating Simple Products, note the "visibility" column. ![]() Simple products that should be displayed on their own should be set to "Catalog, Search". All Configurable Products must always be set to "Catalog, Search" ![]() Simple products that are child products of a Configurable product should be set to "Not visible individually" | |
sku | Required | Product SKU - Must be Unique. Generally you should include a 3-4 letter unique code (A representation of the vendor name - eg Microtech = MCRT ) at the beginning of the SKU. So an example of a SKU would be MCRT-12345678 If two products have the same SKU, this will fail the import. Updating data on the sheet will update the SKU in the marketplace. ![]() Check all SKU's to ensure there is no leading or training spaces. You can use the Excel "TRIM" function to remove all leading and trailing spaces | |
Product Name | Required | Input the Name of your Product ![]() NOTE: If there are multiple products in the import sheet with the SAME NAME, you must add a URL KEY value in the url_key column, this is to ensure that the same URL is not created on multiple products. The Import Check will throw an error if there are multiple products with the same name and there is no corresponding unique URL KEY. Use the SKU in the URL Key | |
attribute_set_code | Required | This will determine the attributes that this product will have, depending on what attribute sets you have created. Choose the attribute set of product you are adding from dropdown. This attribute set dropdown can be managed from the hidden Dropdown Select field on the spreadsheet. To populate these attribute sets, you will need to have the names obtained from the back end under Stores > Product > Attribute Sets . Copy all attribute set names from here ![]() NOTE: The Attribute Set Code must match exactly as per the name of the Attribute Set in the system. Also ensure that all options that are being used for the product are assigned to the nominated Attribute Set. | |
Category | Required | Choose the category for the product. See the Category Generator sheet below on how to populate this. | |
Category 1 | Automatic | The first level category for your product. This will auto populate based on the Category Generator , and your selection from the Category field so you will not need to populate this. If there is any issue with this cell, check that the categories are correct in the Category Generator for the appropriate level. | |
Category 2 | Automatic | The Second level category for your product (based on First Level). This will auto populate based on the Category Generator , and your selection from the Category field so you will not need to populate this. If there is any issue with this cell, check that the categories are correct in the Category Generator for the appropriate level. | |
Category 3 | Automatic | The Third level category for your product (based on Second Level). This will auto populate based on the Category Generator , and your selection from the Category field so you will not need to populate this. If there are any issues with this cell, check that the categories are correct in the Category Generator for the appropriate level. | |
short_description | Required | A Short Description of your product. Supports HTML tags such as <p>, <ul>, <li>, <strong>, etc. MAX 200 Characters | |
description | Required | Description of product. Supports HTML tags such as <p>, <ul>, <li>, <strong>, etc. | |
Inventory | Required | Add the inventory for when the products are created. If the inventory is not controlled, just add 99999 | |
brand | Required | The Brand Name of the product. Ensure all brands are consistent in their naming. | |
price | Required | The Price of the item. This is the price that will be paid by the customer. Numbers only. ![]() Check to ensure the price field is shown as 2 Decimal Places | |
Dimension - Height (cm) | Required | Height of the product in cm - used for shipping | |
Dimension - Length (cm) | Required | Length of the product in cm - used for shipping | |
Dimension - Width (cm) | Required | Width of the product in cm - used for shipping | |
weight | Required | Weight of the product (in the local weight measurement unit - either kgs or lbs) | |
Main Image | Required | Format: SKU.jpg The image file name needs to be the SKU. | |
Additional Images | Optional | Format: SKU_1.jpg,SKU_2.jpg No extra spaces between the images name | |
vendor_id | Required | The ID of the Vendor the product belongs to - can be found in the Vendor Profile ![]() NOTE: It is mandatory to have a Vendor_Id, to associate the products to the Vendor. If the Vendor_id is missing an error message will be shown when checking import data. The error message will state that there is no data to import, because all rows without vendor_id will be skipped. | |
source_code | Required | The source code for which this product is to be bought from. You can get this source code from the admin under Stores >Inventory > Sources . Find the necessary source and check it's source code. NOTE: In the import, the product can only be assigned to 1 source code. | |
configurable_variations | Optional - only required when using Product Type Configurable | Defines the one-to-many relationship between the configurable product record and each variation. ![]() NOTE: When using Flatfile Import, you will only need to set the different SKU. The Variations will be set on using the term (USE) on the column of the attribute. EG, in the case of SKU = MCRT-123456 Attribute1 = Colour, options include Black and Blue Attribute2 = Size, options include S, M, and L The field will look like the following: MCRT-123456-Black-S,MCRT-123456-Black-M,MCRT-123456-Black-L,MCRT-123456-Blue-S,MCRT-123456-Blue-M,MCRT-123456-Blue-L. In the Attribute1 and Attribute2 columns of the import, for the configurable product, you will need to input (USE) - including brackets. See highlighted example If using the Default Import, please follow the format below to add/link the simple products: sku={{SKU_VALUE}},attribute1={{VALUE}},attribute2={{VALUE}}| sku={{SKU_VALUE}},attribute1={{VALUE}},attribute2={{VALUE}} For example, if you had a shirt that has colour and size, it could be rendered as so: SKU = MCRT-123456 Attribute1 = Colour, options include Black and Blue Attribute2 = Size, options include S, M, and L ![]() IMPORTANT The Attributes used in a Configurable Product MUST be set to "Global" The attributes are referenced as their attribute codes. You can get this from the attributes list in Stores > Attributes > Product Each version of the product with the options are separated by a | sku=MCRT-123456-Black-S,color=Black,size=S| sku=MCRT-123456-Black-M,color=Black,size=M| sku=MCRT-123456-Black-L,color=Black,size=L| sku=MCRT-123456-Blue-S,color=Blue,size=S| sku=MCRT-123456-Blue-M,color=Blue,size=M| sku=MCRT-123456-Blue-L,color=Blue,size=L This is only used for the configurable parent product. ![]() When creating configurable products please keep the following rules in mind: 1) Ensure that the Syntax for the configurable variant is correct 2) Only use attributes that are "Global" 3) When combining attributes, ensure that all used Attributes are included in the Variation Cell. 4) Ensure that the attribute OPTION used already exists in the system otherwise, the import check will throw an error 5) Check spaces etc in the name of the Option as variances in spaces are treated as a new Option | |
configurable_variation_labels | Optional - only required when using Product Type Configurable | Defines the label that identifies each variation by the an attribute name. You will need to know the attribute code | |
meta_title | Optional | For SEO - set the meta title for the product | |
meta_keywords | Optional | For SEO - set the meta keywords for the product | |
meta_description | Optional | For SEO - set the meta description for the product | |
associated_skus | Optional | The SKU of a product that is associated with a grouped or bundled product. Leave blank if not applicable. | |
Custom Attributes | Optional | Additional attributes created for the product. For example: has_options=0,required_options=0color=Black,has_options=0,required_options=0,size_general=XS These are used for custom fields that the customer can choose to modify the product. Only add if required. | |