Managing Vendor Attributes

Managing Vendor Attributes

Vendor attributes are the characteristics of a determined vendor. The Marketplace Owner manage these attributes to control and determine which data needs to be related to the vendors, such as vendor name or address. These attributes can be grouped into attribute sets after.

There are default attributes created for the Vendors. However, it is possible to create as many new attributes as needed to define different vendors.

NOTE: There has been a menu restructure in Omnyfy Release v4.0.6, and some menu items from this guide may have moved. Please see the menu update in the release notes if you are on this release or later: View the Release Notes for Omnyfy v4.0.6

  1. Log in to Omnyfy Marketplace Backend. On the Admin sidebar, go to Marketplace Management > Vendor Type > Vendor Attributes.

  2. You will find a list of existing Vendor Attributes. To add a new one, click Add New Attribute. To edit an existing, choose from the list.

  3. Enter the attribute properties for the new attribute / change the existing one:

    1. Default Label: The name of the attribute

    2. Input Type: The attribute type used for data entry. Example: Text Field, Date, Yes/No, Document, Multiple Select. If Multiple Select' or Dropdown is chosen, a table will appear to allow the options definition

    3. Values Required: Choose Yes if the attribute is mandatory

  4. Enter the Advanced Attribute Properties

    1. Attribute Code: Leave it blank, as the system has an internal code

    2. Scope: Where in your store the attribute can be used. Choose Global to make the attribute available for the current store and any other store created after

    3. Unique value: To prevent duplicated values choose Yes. If the attribute can have duplicate values (default) choose No

    4. Input Validation for Store Owner *: To insert a validity test into a text field. Example: email, letters, numbers

    5. Add to Column Options: Select Yes to add this attribute to the list of column options in the vendor profile and vendor storefront admin grid

    6. Use in Filter Options: Select Yes to add this attribute to the list of filter options in the vendors grid

  5. OPTIONAL - If you have more than one store using the vendor attribute and want to define different attribute labels for each one, expand the Manage Labels sections and enter a title for each option.

  6. To define how the attribute will appear and be used at the Storefront, expand the Storefront Properties.

    Field Name


    Use in Search

    Choose Yes to make the attribute available for search.

    Use in Layered Navigation

    Choose Filterable (with results) to use only with results greater than zero. Choose Filterable (no results) for all values, whether the number of results is zero or greater.

    Use in Search Results Layered Navigation

    Choose Yes to use the attribute in layered navigation on search results pages.

    Allow HTML Tags on Storefront

    Choose Yes to allow the text to be formatted with HTML

    NOTE: Cannot be used with input type Yes/No, Gallery and Swatch

    Show on customer and invoice emails

    Choose Yes if you would like to show this attribute on customer order confirmation and customer invoice emails.

    NOTE: Cannot be used with input type Multiple Select, Gallery and Swatch

    NOTE: Only will appear if the customers are being invoiced by Vendor (split vendor email)

    Visible on Pages on Storefront

    Choose Yes to include the attribute on Vendor page.

    Used in Listing

    Choose Yes to include the attribute in listings / search results page.

    NOTE: this needs to be set to Yes if you want to use this in Layered Navigation

    Used for Sorting in Listing

    Choose Yes to use the attribute as a sort parameter for listings.

    Used in registration form

    Choose Yes to include this attribute when creating a new Vendor.


    This is optional, and you can include a tooltip to add an explanation about the attribute for customers.

  7. When complete, click Save Attribute

    NOTE: *Any mentions regarding the Store Owner refers to a user that can create a product in the platform's back end system. This includes Marketplace Owner and Vendor Administrators.

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