Managing Product Reviews

Managing Product Reviews

Product reviews can put customers at ease when shopping, as they can see that other people who have also bought this product can give testimony to how good (or bad) the product is. It can provide peace of mind and can be a powerful tool to boost sales (let the quality of the product speak for itself). 

Leaving a customer review

Customers that have purchased a product can leave a review for that particular product on the marketplace, if they are a registered user on the platform.
  1. First, as a customer, you will need to ensure that you are signed in to the marketplace. You can do this during the checkout stage, or signing in at the front end

  2. When signed in, navigate to your order that contains the product you wish to review. There are 2 ways this can be achieved.

    From the user dropdown on the top right (select your name and choose My Orders)

    From the left navigation when in any of the account pages, select My Orders.

    You can then select your order and the details will appear on the right.

  3. Once the details of your order appear on the right, select Reviews from the links in the order details.

    From here you can select the vendor and the product you wish to review. In this case, you can select Leave a Product Review.

  4. A pop up will appear where you can then add the details of your review.

  5. After completing all the details you wish to add for the review, you can select Submit review.

    A prompt will appear at the top of the browser after the pop up window closes, to verify your submission.

Checking your existing reviews as a customer

If you have left any review for your purchased product as a registered customer, you can see them all from your customer account.
  1. When signed in as a customer, you can use the customer account dropdown to navigate to My Reviews

    You may also use the left menu to navigate this.

  2. You will be able to see all your reviews (starting from your Product Reviews) appear on the right side of the page.

Managing Product Reviews as an Admin

As a Marketplace Owner, you can find Product Reviews written by registered customers in the back end of the platform. This includes approving any review prior to publicly displaying it on the front end.
  1. As a Marketplace Owner, log in to the platform admin.
  2. Navigate to Marketing on the left menu.

  3. In the Marketing menu, there are 2 sections you can access (all under User Content):
    - All Reviews (This page will show a table with all reviews including Pending Reviews)
    - Pending Reviews (This page will show a table with only Pending Reviews)

  4. From here, you can see and select to edit any review that has been made. From the Action column on the far left, you can select Edit on any review.

  5. When in the detailed page for a review, you will be able to see all available fields to manage.

    This will display the product name and link (to the back end) to the product.
    This will display the registered customer and link (to the back end) to the customer's details.
    Summary Rating
    This is automatically calculated based on the average of the detailed ratings (see below).
    Detailed Rating
    This will display the rating the customer gave for that specific attribute (eg pricing, value).

    Rating fields can be managed in Stores > Attributes > Ratings.

    There are 3 statuses available:
    - Approved (This will display the review in the marketplace)
    - Pending (This is awaiting confirmation to be approved or not approved)
    - Not Approved (This review will not be available to see in the marketplace)
    Optional name that the customer provided
    Summary of Review
    This is the title of the Review
    This includes the detailed information provided by the customer for the review.

  6. When you have made any changes, you can simply choose to Save Review from the top right of the menu.

    Approving pending reviews would simply from editing a product review and changing the status from Pending to Approved. Customers will be notified when approved.

NOTE: You may also access the reviews of certain products by navigating to the product detail in the back end, and scrolling to Product Reviews.

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