Managing Filters and Attributes for Custom Reports

Managing Filters and Attributes for Custom Reports

With custom reports, you can change the dimensions, columns and filters that you'd like to use. This view will open up when you are editing a report, and select Manage on either Dimensions or Columns.

You can also see this when you choose Edit Columns in the report (remembering this is only valid for this view, but on refresh the next visit of this report). There are 2 views, a basic and an advanced.

Basic View

This will show you a list of simple attributes/columns you can add related to the order.

Advanced View

This will list all available tables from the database to make your report. Use this if you can't find the attribute on the Basic View.

You can swap between views by selecting the button next to the search bar.

Adding additional columns

  1. Go to your Edit Report section (3 bars from the top right of your custom report)

  2. Go to either Dimension or Columns (depending what you want add) and choose Manage.

  3. On the pop up, scan through the available fields from the left and simply click on it so it will add it to your existing columns to the right.

  4. You can also move these around to rearrange the order in the report using the 6 dots to the left of the field on the right window.

  5. If you cannot find the column that you are after - press the toggle into Advanced View to see all of the columns on the marketplace.


SUM - exports summary values. For example, the total aggregated SUM is added to a report, which will then display the summary value of grand totals from all orders for the specified day. Typically followed by __sum in the advanced mode view.

AVG - represents the 'average,' and will be displayed as the summary value divided by the number of aggregate items. Typically followed by __avg in the advanced mode view.

COUNT - used for orders. It will show the number of aggregated items, e.g the number of orders placed on a specified day. Typically followed by __cnt in the advanced mode view.

VALUE - shows the exact value of a field. Don't aggregate data by this column. Otherwise, it will produce unintended results.

JOIN - will show an aggregated number of items separated by a comma, e.g. the number of orders made. Typically followed by __concat in the advanced mode view.

Common Attributes to search for in Advanced View

There are a few attributes that you may want to use in Advanced View that you cannot find in Basic. We've listed a few commonly used attributes that you can add to your columns or dimensions.

One thing to note is that when you are copying any report, you will need to be mindful that some columns are set for the whole order, and some columns are set on per order item. When looking for attribute, ensure you are looking for the correct parameter (eg if it's for the whole order that you want, or each individual item). EG: Check the table if it is in sales_order (which will be values for the full order) or sales_order_item (which will be based on the individual product's attributes).

The left value before the separator will be the database table the field belongs in, and the right value will be the field. So it will look like the following: table_name|field_name.

If the field also contains any aggregators, include that in the end. EG: table_name|field_name__concat.

Advanced Attribute Code (or Base Selection)
Sales Order Item: Vendor ID
Shows the Vendor ID of the Vendor on that order
Sales Order: Order Count
Shows the total number of orders for the dimension.
Sales Order Item: Item Count
Shows the total number of items for the dimension.
Sales Order Item: Product Name (Concatenated)
catalog_product_entity|name_concat or sales_order_item|name__concat
Displays all the products for that order (use when Vendor ID is the dimension to show the products specific for this vendor).
Vendor Name
Displays the name of the Vendor (use this to match the ID of the Vendor is using ID as Dimensions)
Quote Item: Vendor ID
Shows the Vendor ID of the Vendor on that quote
Vendor Name
Displays the name of the Vendor (use this to match the ID of the Vendor is using ID as Dimensions)
Product SKU
Display's the product's SKU - Use this for Dimensions to split order into different product rows.
Product Name
Display's the individual products - use this when SKU is the individual
Vendor's Product Total (Incl Tax)
Shows the subtotal for the row totals based on the dimensions (eg by Order # and Vendor ID).
Vendor's Product Total to be paid out (Excl Tax)(Excluding Payout Fees
Shows the subtotal for the row totals based on the dimensions (eg by Order # and Vendor ID), but also what is the expected payout without the fees (eg will be $0.00 if the order has refunded).
Payout Amount (incl Fees and Discounts applied)
Shows the total that the vendor will be paid out, with fees and discounts already applied.

NOTE: Some fields require the tables to be linked. For more information on this, please see our guide: Linking Database Tables in Advanced Reports

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