Managing Customer Price Books (as a Vendor)

Managing Customer Price Books (as a Vendor)

Vendors can set custom Prices for a single customer, or all customers from a certain organisation. Some organisations may have a deal / discount with the vendor, so the Vendor Price Books helps to set this.

Accessing Price Books

Log in to the back end as a vendor. Using the left menu, navigate to Customers > Customer Price Book > Price Books.

The page will load the price books grid with any existing records. You can also create a new price book by selecting Add New Price Book

You can also edit any of the existing Price Books.

Adding a New Price Book

When you select Add New Price Book, the page will load with a set of fields.

Price Book Name
This will be the label of your Price Book.
This will help describe what this Price Book is for in more detail.
Choose which Marketplace this Price Book applies to.
Choose to enable or disable this Price Book.
Note: You may only have 1 Price Book Active per Organisation for each Vendor.
Select Price Book File
Select your CSV file to import.
Select Organisation
Select from the available Organisations for which this Price Book will apply to.

You can also search for the Organisation by typing in the search field.

Assign Price Book to all current and new buyers in this Organisation
Set this to Yes to automatically allow all current and new customers in this Organisation to use this Price Book's pricing.
Customer Grid
This grid will load all the customers from the Organisation once you have selected it from the Select Organisation dropdown. Here you can select all customers, or pick individually which customers the Price Book will apply to. Customers who are not selected will get the default pricing.
Upload History
This grid will show all the records of previously uploaded attempts. You can redownload them again if needed.

Managing your Price Book Import File

In order to import your Price Book, you will need a CSV with 3 columns. A CSV can be generated which includes the entire range of products from the Vendor. This can be done by selecting Export Product Catalogue.

A CSV file will be downloaded by the browser, which you can open.

The 3 columns needed are:

SKU = SKU of the product.
qty_threshold = Quantity Threshold for the price (NOTE: You can add a new row if you have new value for new qty_threshold for the same SKU). In the below example, there are 3 prices for each product, based on the minimum value required for that price threshold to activate.

Price = The unit price per qty_threshold.

Once you have populated / updated your spreadsheet, you can then use this for the import.

Saving your Price Book

To save your price books, you will simply just need to select Save and Assign Price Book. Your CSV will then be imported and your customers selected in that Organisation will enjoy the new prices by the Vendor.

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