Omnyfy allows Vendors on the marketplace to have multiple warehouses and to mange stock in warehouses using a simple CSV import.
Once you've completed the import of your products into Omnyfy, please run the Inventory Mapping import to map the import to your warehouses so that the product is then visible in your Catalog.
Before performing the import, please ensure that you have created an import file that has all of the appropriate columns and verified the data that you are importing.
Importing an incorrect file will result in an import error designed to prevent invalid or incorrect data from being imported into your marketplace.
If you are experiencing issues with your imports, please contact your marketplace administrator and they will be able to assist in resolving your import issues.
Login to your marketplace Vendor Account, of if performing the import as a Marketplace Administrator, using your Administrator Account.
The Import is located under System > Import
Click on the Entity Type dropdown and select "Inventory Per Location" from the list that is displayed. The options you see in your dropdown may differ based on the conditions of each Marketplace.
Under Import Behaviour select Add/Update as you want to Add new products or Update existing products. Please DO NOT select Replace as this will cause unexpected data behaviour on the platform.
Click on "Choose File" and select the CSV file that contains the product data that you want to import.
Once the file has been selected, click on Check Data on the top right. This performs a verification on the file and will display error messages if the data in the file is incorrect or the file format is invalid. Please contact your marketplace administrator, including sending them the CSV file that you are attempting to import.
If the data is verified and is valid, you will receive the following message. Click on Import to complete the Import Process.
Once you complete the import of the Inventory and mapping the inventory to the warehouse, you can navigate to Marketplace Management > Manage Locations and Warehouses to view your warehouse.
In the Manage Locations view click on Select and then choose Inventory
You will see a list of your products assigned to your warehouse with the assigned inventory