Basic Configuration - General Section

Basic Configuration - General Section

General Section

The main configurations for this tab are as follows:

1. Country Options

Default Country

Set your base country from which the marketplace operates

Allow Countries

Select the countries from which you will allow customers to purchase. By default all countries are selected

Top Destinations

Select the countries that you want to appear at the top of the list, separated from the remaining countries. This will make it easier for your customer to select the country to which they are shipping.

2. State Options

Select the countries for which you require states to be selected. Suggest leaving this as default.

3. Locale Options


Select the timezone of your marketplace



Select the default language of your marketplace back-end and front-end

English (U.S.) default

Weight Unit

Select the weight unit for your marketplace


4. Store Information

This section allows you to enter the basic information about your marketplace location, name, tax number etc. Note that this information is not used for shipping etc. and is information only.

Store Name

The name of your marketplace

Important as this name is used in a number of email communications

Address details (Country / Region / City / Street Address )

This information is important as it is displayed on invoices from the Marketplace to Vendors (such as commission invoices etc)


VAT Number

This is the VAT Number of the Marketplace Owner

VERY IMPORTANT - displayed on invoices that are generated between the marketplace and vendors

5. Single Store Mode

Keep this as "No"

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