Controlling Product Attribute Visibility for User Roles

Controlling Product Attribute Visibility for User Roles


There are many product attributes that are shown on the back end of the platform (even more so with custom attributes added), and can be daunting for first time users / vendors to the marketplace. For this, we have a module that allows you hide attributes for certain user roles, so that when users in those roles are populating products, they can see a simplified view based on what the administrators require to show.


To enable this feature, you must first configure this module. As a Marketplace Owner logged in the back end, navigate to Stores > Settings > Configuration > Develo > Advanced Fields.
If you do not see this configuration (and require it), please speak to your dedicated Omnyfy Project / Support Manager.

Select Enable if you would like to use the Advanced Fields feature.
Admin Role IDs that can Edit Visibility Profiles
Select the necessary user roles that can edit the Product Attribute Visibility Profiles. Typically you would only select the Administrators roles, however if you have additional roles that you need to provide access to editing the profiles, then you can also select them here.

Hold down the CTRL (or Command for Apple users) key and click on the additional User Roles to select multiple.

Once you have configured your options, select Save Config from the top right.

Managing Product Attribute Visibility Profiles

As a Marketplace Owner / Administrator (or any of the Admin Roles configured above to edit profiles), you can set the visibility of certain product attributes for specific User roles, per Attribute Set. To do this, first navigate to a product attribute set from Stores > Attributes > Attribute Set.

From here, select the attribute set you would like to modify.

You will find a new section on the bottom left called Advanced Fields Visibility Profile - Configuration.

To start modifying the profiles, you will need to first set a profile. You can either select Load Profile to modify an existing profile, or select New ProfileIf creating a new Profile, you will need to just provide it a name and select Create Profile once completed.

NOTE: Each Attribute Set will need it's own profile. The Profiles are not shared across all attribute set.

Select OK when the pop up appears.

Now you will be able to see the profile in the dropdown to load the profile.

When the Profile is loaded, you will see an Actions dropdown appear.

Depending on which action you selected, there will be an additional section that appears at the bottom of the Profile box.

Copy to > New Profile
Use the settings for this Profile to create a New Profile

Add a name and select Copy to new Profile to create the new Profile with these settings.
Copy to > Replace Profile
Use the settings for this Profile to overwrite the settings of an existing Profile

Select the profile from the dropdown and select Replace existing Profile to overwrite it.
Assign > Assign to Role
Select which User Roles will have these visibility settings

Hold down the CTRL (or Command for Apple users) key and click on the additional User Roles to select multiple.
Once selected, choose Assign Roles to Profile to save your changes.
Manage > Sort Order
Choose which order the profile will load in if there are multiple profiles

Once you have chosen the sort order, select Assign Sort Order to Profile.
Manage > Rename
Rename this profile.

Change the name, then select Rename Profile.
Manage > Delete
Delete this profile

Select Delete Profile if you wish to delete this profile entirely.

Managing the visibility of attributes

When the profile is loaded, you will be able to see that the Groups column will have additional coloured icons.

The blue icons with the eye means that these attributes are visible to the User Roles assigned. The red icons with the eye crossed through means that these fields are hidden. Simply click on the icon to change the visibility.

The icons with the small red dot on the bottom right with the white minus symbol are system attributes that are required to populate the product. These should not be hidden.

NOTE: It is also important to note which attributes (if you have created custom attributes) are required fields. If the attribute is hidden, and also a required field, the user will be unable to save the product.

You can also select / modify the visibility of an entire section.

Modifying a Section will introduce a pop up. Select OK to pop up.

Once you have made your selections, ensure that you select Save Profile from the profile box. Then choose Save from the top right.

Once the profile is saved, you will be able to see the fields hidden when creating a product with that attribute set selected.

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