The layout of the Marketplace is managed by using different elements. Blocks are structured containers that include specific information of the Marketplace, like Homepage Banner, Footer, Vendor Signup and so on. Omnyfy defines and creates all the layout specified for the marketplace, but sometimes the Marketplace Owner needs to update a word, phrase or image. This can be easily done by editing the marketplace blocks.
NOTE: only update existing blocks. Not the entire website is managed by using blocks, some are handled by templates that may need to be updated by developers.
Log in to Omnyfy Marketplace backend. On the Admin sidebar, go to Content > Elements > Blocks.
Search by keyword to find the block that you want to change and click on "Select”, then click on “Edit”.
Click "Show / Hide Editor" to change to HTML Editor.
IMPORTANT: Please copy and paste the code in the text area and save as a backup. If the block is broken after any changes, use the backup to recover.
Update text.
Locate the text that is to be changed. Replace it with new text.
For example, the heading “Free Shipping & Return” is to be updated to “Free Shipping”. Find the text in the code, and then replace it with the new text.
Update link.
Copy the URL from the browser. The url after your root domain and in grey will be enough. Eg. “/about-us/customer-satisfaction” will be enough instead of "" provided you are linking from the same website.
If you encounter any "#" in the "href=", this will be a 'dead link', which means it will look clickable, but it won't take you anywhere.
Update image.
Click on Insert Image button to upload the new image under relevant directory (eg "Storage Root> WYSIWYG> smartwave> Porto> Homepage").
Find the image URL in the code. Replace the suffix with the new image file name. eg. The new image to be used is named as homepage_banner_findgb.png. The updated media url should be: homebanner--1.png
NOTE: if the image background should be transparent, the image should be in png format. If not, the image should be in jpg format. The image file name should not contain space. Please use underline instead of space.
Click on “Save Block” button on top right. Review the frontend updates.
NOTE: if the frontend is broken, please use the backup to recover.