Basic Configuration - Theme Configuration

Basic Configuration - Theme Configuration

Configuring the theme

Ensure that you have already configured to use Smartwave Porto (or whichever you are using under the Content > Design > Configuration). You can revisit this from Step 3 - Basic Configuration - Setting the Theme.

In our example, we needed some customisations to our design, so we had created a new theme (which is a child theme of the Smartwave Porto theme). Go to Content > Design > Configuration > {Your Theme} > Edit to start configuring the theme settings.

Default Theme

Here you can set up the theme that you need to apply to the marketplace. Generally this should have already been set up in Step 3 unless you are using your own theme.

Design Rule

You can generally skip this step

Other Settings

1. HTML Head

Field Name


Favicon Icon

Upload the icon to be used for the website. Allowed file types: ico, png, gif, jpg, jpeg, apng. Note that not all browsers support all these formats.

Note - the Favicon is used to display an icon for the top of the web browser/tab.

Default Page Title

Change the title of your header

Page Title Prefix

You can use a suffix and/or prefix with the default title to create a two-or three part title. You can add a vertical bar or colon as a separator between the prefix or suffix and the default title.

Leave empty if not needed.

Page Title Suffix

You can use a suffix and/or prefix with the default title to create a two-or three part title. You can add a vertical bar or colon as a separator between the prefix or suffix and the default title.

Leave empty if not needed.

Default Meta Description

Add or modify meta descriptions to support Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and help steer customers to your store from search results

Default Meta Keywords

Add or modify meta keywords to support Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and help steer customers to your store from search results

Scripts and Style Sheets

This will be included before head closing tag in page HTML. You can enter any custom scripts and style sheets as needed.

Display Demo Store Notice

Keep this set to No.

2. Header

Field Name


Logo Image

Identifies the path to the logo that appears in the header. Supported file types: PNG, GIF, JPG (JPEG)

Logo Attribute Width

The width of your logo image in pixels.

Logo Attribute Height

The height of your logo image in pixels.

Welcome Text

The welcome message appears in the header of the page and includes the name of customers who are logged in.

Logo Image Alt

The Alt text that is associated with the logo.

Field Name


Miscellaneous HTML

This will be displayed just before the body closing tag. Here you can add any additional HTML for the footer if required.


This is the text used to display copyright information.

Display Report Bugs Link

Set this to No.

4. Search Engine Robots

Field Name


Default Robots

This can only changed by the parent theme - ensure it is configured correctly when you are going on the Live site, that it is set to INDEX, FOLLOW so that it is crawlable.

Edit custom instruction of robots.txt File

This action will delete your custom instructions and reset robots.txt file to system's default settings. Add your own custom instructions here. Also only editable in the parent theme.

5. Product Image Watermarks

There are 4 types of images that you can apply watermarks to:
  • Base
  • Thumbnail
  • Small
  • Swatch Image
All 4 types will have the following fields (if applicable)

Field Name



Upload your watermark image

Allowed file types: jpeg, gif, png.

Image Opacity

% amount for the opacity of the image

Image Size

Dimensions (Eg 200x300)

Image Position

Set where and how the image will appear.

6. Pagination

Field Name


Pagination Frame

How many links to display at once.

Pagination Frame Skip

If current frame position does not cover utmost pages, it renders the link to current position plus/minus this value.

Anchor Text for Previous

Alternative text for the previous pages link in the pagination menu. If empty, the default arrow image is used.

Anchor Text for Next

Alternative text for the next pages link in the pagination menu. If empty, default arrow image is used.

7. Transactional Emails

Field Name


Logo Image

Image used for the logo in transactional emails (eg order emails).

Allowed file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png. To optimize logo for high-resolution displays, upload an image that is 3x normal size and then specify 1x dimensions in the width/height fields below.

Logo Image Alt

The Alt text that is associated with the logo.

Logo Width

Necessary only if an image has been uploaded above. Enter number of pixels, without appending "px".

Logo Height

Necessary only if an image has been uploaded above. Enter image height size in pixels without appending "px".

Header Template

Email template chosen based on theme fallback, when the "Default" option is selected.

Footer Template

Email template chosen based on theme fallback, when the "Default" option is selected.

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