Basic Configuration - Sales Section

Basic Configuration - Sales Section

Sales section

This section includes the following field groups and fields.

1. General

Field Name


Hide Customer IP

Leave as "No" by default. It's not

2. Checkout Totals Sort Order

During Order Review, the total appears at the bottom of the order, with any adjustments for discounts, shipping charges, store credit, and tax. The order of each item determines the sequence of the calculations, and is set in the configuration by a number that is assigned to each item.

For example, the Subtotal is the first item in the section, and is assigned a value of 10. The Grand Total appears last, and is assigned a value of 100. All of the other items in the totals section are assigned a value between those values.

NOTE: It is a good idea to generally spread the numbers out with a gap of at least 10 from the next item. This way, if you require additional fields to be added on (either by customisation or by implementation of a module), then you can just simply insert a number in between (eg between 10 and 20, you can put another field for 15 or 14 and 18 for example).

3. Reorder

Field Name


Allow Reorder

Allows a registered customer to be able to reorder the same products from their last order with the click of a button.

4. Invoice and Packing Slip Design

This is only used if you are using the out of the box packing slip available when the "Flat Rate" or "Free Shipping" methods are used. If you are using an integrated service such as Easyship for your shipping, they will generally have their own shipping label to use, so you will not need to configure this.

Field Name


Logo for PDF Print-outs (200x50)

Your default logo will be used in PDF and HTML documents.
(jpeg, tiff, png) If your pdf image is distorted, try to use larger file-size image.

Logo for HTML Print View

Logo for HTML documents only. If empty, default will be used.
(jpeg, gif, png)


Address of origin

5. Minimum Order Amount

Field Name



Allows you to enable having a minimum order amount for the customer (in dollar value) before making a purchase as a whole.

Minimum Amount

Sets the dollar value for the minimum order.

Include Discount Amount

Choosing yes will be used subtotal after discount, otherwise only subtotal will be used.

Include Tax to Amount

This will determine if tax will be inclusive of the minimum order amount required to checkout.

Description Message

This message will be shown in the shopping cart when the subtotal (after discount) is lower than the minimum allowed amount.

Error to Show in Shopping Cart

Enter the text you want to use to customize the shopping cart error message.

Validate Each Address Separately in Multi-address Checkout

Please keep this set to No

Multi-address Description Message

You can leave this blank as Multi-address shipping is not supported.

Multi-address Error to Show in Shopping Cart

You can leave this blank as Multi-address shipping is not supported.

There are several other field groups such as the ones below, which you do not need to make any changes on. Please leave all configurations as is.

  • Allow Zero GrandTotal for Creditmemo

  • Dashboard

  • Order Cron Settings

  • Gift Options

  • Minimum Advertised Price

  • Instant Purchase

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