Basic Configuration - Checkout Section

Basic Configuration - Checkout Section

Checkout section

This section will allow you to configure the checkout page. For the most part, you can actually leave these by default, however you can check below if there's any settings you would like to make changes to:

1. Checkout Options

Field Name


Enable Onepage Checkout

Leave this as default Yes

Allow Guest Checkout

Allows you to only allow checkout from either registered customers (meaning they will have to sign up in order to make the purchase), or if guests can also checkout.

Set this to Yes to allow guests to check out.

Display Billing Address On

You can leave this as default Payment Method.

Enable Terms and Conditions

Allows you to show a link to the Terms and Conditions page (depending on the theme if this will be available).

Maximum Number of Items to Display in Order Summary

Choose the maximum numbers to appear in the checkout order summary view

2. Shopping Cart

Field Name


Quote Lifetime (days)

You can determine how long a price is valid by setting the cart quote lifetime in the configuration. For example, if a shopper leaves a cart unattended after several days, the quotes price for some items might no longer be the same. By default, the quote lifetime is set to 30 days.

After Adding a Product Redirect to Shopping Cart

Keep this set to No. By default, there will be a pop up when you add a product to the cart, to allow the customer to choose to checkout or keep shopping.

Number of Items to Display Pager

You can leave this as default.

Grouped Product Image

Product Thumbnail Itself: Uses the thumbnail assigned to the product variation that is added to the cart.

Parent Product Thumbnail: Uses the thumbnail assigned to the parent product.

Configurable Product Image

Product Thumbnail Itself: Uses the thumbnail assigned to the product variation that is added to the cart.

Parent Product Thumbnail: Uses the thumbnail assigned to the parent product.

3. My Cart Link

The cart link in the upper-right corner of the header gives a quick summary of the contents of the cart. The link can be configured to display the number of different products (or SKUs) in the cart, or the total quantity of all items

Field Name


Display Cart Summary

Display item quantities: This setting displays the total number of products in the cart, adding the quantities for each product.

Display number of items in cart: This setting displays the number of product items in the cart, regardless of quantity.

4. Shopping Cart Sidebar

The Cart Sidebar is often called the mini cart and displays a summary of the items in the cart. It is enabled by default and appears when you click the number of items in the Cart Link.

Field Name


Display Shopping Cart Sidebar

You can leave this set to Yes.

Number of Items to Display Scrollbar

Enter the number of items that can appear in the sidebar before the scrollbar is triggered.

Maximum Number of Items to Display

Enter the maximum number of recently added items that you want to appear in the mini cart.

5. Payment Failed Emails

You can generally leave this by default.

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