The Marketplace Owner can create an organisation in the back-end admin of the platform.
NOTE: You will need an Administrator for the organisation - so you will need to have a registered customer already on the platform.
1. First, go log in through the backend.
2. Go to Customers > Organisations > Organisations Management.
3. From this page, on the top right there will be a button to create a new organisation.
4. Once the page loads, you will see the Organisation details screen. This is where you will populate the information for the New Organisation. Feel free to activate (by changing the Status to Active) the organisation on first save if needed.
5. When you get to the Administrator field, you will be able to choose the customer. Click on the Administrator field.
6. The Choose Administrator pop up will open and you will be able to select the organisation administrator. Select the customer and on the top right, select Choose Administrator.
The Administrator field and Email field will be replaced with the details of the customer.
6. When you have populated all the necessary fields (ignore ORG ID for now as this will be auto-generated once you save), on the top right, select Save Organisation.
Note that the OrgID will already be pre-populated once you go back into the organisation.
7. The customer will receive a notification about the new Organisation.