Admin Users and Vendors access the back end of the platform in the same login. Effectively, Vendors are admin users with only limited access.
Creating Admin Users
Generally, you should already have an admin user account for the marketplace. You can however create additional marketplace admin users so that they can also have their own log in details. Below you can see how this can be done.
- As an admin user, log in to the platform's backend.
- From the left menu, go to System > Permissions > All Users
- Here you will see a list of all users on the platform. This will include vendors too, so you can find existing approved vendors on the platform. To add a new user, you will see a button on the top right called Add New User.
- Once the new page loads, you will be presented a variety of fields to input for the new user.
Once you fill in these details from this tab, you can go to the left hand side and select User Role, so you can select the role for this user.
Here you can choose which User Role this account is. Generally there are 2 default roles created:
- Administrator - This role is a full access role which allows you to make changes to configurations, content and has the ability to see other vendor's details.
- Vendor Admin - This user role is specifically used for the vendors to be able to access the back end, however this will be limited to only having access to their own orders, vendor details and necessary details related to fulfilment.
- Additional Roles - You can create additional roles, and you can select this from here for each accounts.
5. Once selected, you can select Save User button from the top right to complete the set up of this account.
Now you can provide the login details to your new user. Ensure you also provide the URL to login with. It's a good idea to test these login details before providing it to the user, to ensure the details are correct.
Managing vendors users passwords
With vendor users, their accounts are automatically created upon approval of registration based on the information they used to sign up (including subscription plan user role) - so you will not need to create an account for them manually. You can however provide them with a specific password (or modify their login details) if you need to, prior to giving them access to the account.
- When logged in as an admin, from the left menu, go to System > Permissions > All Users (as per above)
- Here you can select the particular user you'd like to edit. Generally vendor user names are the email addresses. You can also filter from the top of the table. Simply click on the user.
- The fields will be populated automatically from the registration information. Mostly you may just need to manage the password fields and verification of your own password to save the changes.
- Once input, select Save User at the top right.
- Provide the updated login details to vendor. Ensure you also provide the URL to log in to the platform with. It's a good idea to test these login details before providing it to the user, to ensure the details are correct.
Note - you can also use this method if the vendor cannot login, and they're unable to use the forgot password feature to reset their password via email address.